Will AI conversations make us more empathetic?

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and human experience is reshaping the way we perceive and interact with our environment. Research shows that digital interactions can significantly affect brain functions, including visual perception, language, cognition and behavioral patterns. As AI becomes more and more woven into our daily lives, both at work and in our leisure time, a critical question arises: How does our interaction with technology affect our interactions with other people? Does it make us more or less empathetic towards each other?

Compliance by design

AI systems are designed to be customer-friendly and responsive, providing immediate results without the complexity of human emotions or misunderstandings. PubMed has shown that the use of AI can increase the speed of communication, encourage positive emotional language, and lead to more collaborative and intimate evaluations between conversation partners. For example, when we use AI to draft emails, these emails are often sent more efficiently and with more polite and personalized language than we could have used ourselves due to time constraints. Paradoxically, people often perceive AI-powered communication as more humane than human-generated content.

Notice of Permanent Compliance

However, this constant compliance has a downside. If we get too used to interacting with AI, we risk losing patience and empathy in our real-life relationships, where responses are not always immediate or straightforward. Humans are creatures of habit, and the more we get used to complying with AI—without the need for minimal politeness—the more likely we are to develop careless language, a command-and-obey style, and an attitude of impatience that can seep through. in our human interactions. Relying too much on AI for communication and problem solving can erode our patience and understanding when dealing with the complexities of human relationships.

For businesses, this can have profound implications. If employees start treating colleagues or customers with the same detached efficiency they use with AI, workplace culture and customer relationships may suffer. But what if we consider the alternative?

The potential of politeness

Imagine you are a busy professional, managing a constant stream of tasks and responsibilities. You rely heavily on your AI assistant to organize meetings, draft emails, and keep your schedule on track. One day, you decide to change the way you interact with this digital assistant—adding “please” and “thank you” to your commands. Over time, you notice a change. Not only do you get more thoughtful answers, but you also feel more patient and positive throughout the day. This simple change in behavior towards AI could be doing more than just improving your mood; it may be increasing your overall sensitivity.

Language issues

The language we use, whether in interactions with others or with AI, affects how we experience that interaction—not only in terms of outcomes, but also in how we perceive ourselves. The “Politeness Principle”, coined by Geoffrey Leech in 1983, suggests that respectful language affects the environment in which we operate. In a hybrid context, this principle means that the way we communicate online affects the way we communicate offline and vice versa. Both arenas shape our internal dialogue and, therefore, our self-perception. Consistent use of polite language, whether in analog or digital form, results in higher levels of satisfaction in our overall social engagements.

Hybrid empathy

When used carefully, AI has the potential to increase our empathy and improve our interpersonal relationships. The many micro-interactions we have with AI — whether asking for a weather update with a “please” or thanking AI for setting a reminder — can reinforce the social norms of politeness and empathy that are essential to healthy relationships. human, provided we approach these interactions with a mindful attitude.

Consider the impact this may have on your customer service settings. When AI systems consistently demonstrate empathy and understanding, customers may come to expect similar treatment from human representatives. This sets a higher standard for human-to-human interactions, potentially leading to a more compassionate and customer-focused culture within organizations.

Practical agreement: A-Framework Hybrid empathy

As we continue to integrate AI into our lives, it is essential to take a proactive approach to our interactions with these systems. Instead of letting AI subtly shape our behaviors without our awareness, we can be intentional about how we engage with this technology. Fitted inside A-Frame of the AI-Agency, here are some practical steps to ensure that our engagement with AI fosters empathy rather than diminishes it:

  • Self-awareness: Be aware of how your interactions with AI affect your behavior. By paying attention to the language you use, you can reinforce positive habits that increase your social skills.
  • Peer Rating and AI: Cultivate respect and gratitude in your interactions with both AI and humans. This approach not only improves your experience with AI, but also strengthens your relationships with people.
  • Acceptance of Limitations: Recognize that AI, while powerful, has its limits. It can support empathy, but it cannot replace the depth of human connection that comes from real, face-to-face interactions.
  • Responsibility: Take responsibility for how you use AI. Businesses and individuals should strive to create environments where courteous and empathetic communication is the standard, not the exception.

What goes in affects what comes out. This applies to relationships with people and machines. By fostering empathy in our AI interactions, we can build a culture of increased compassion with humans. But this will not happen by accident – ​​it requires us to be intentional about how we engage with ourselves, others, AND HE.

Garbage in, garbage out. Goodness within, goodness without.


If you are interested in the topic of Prosocial AI, please see my previous articles in this series and share your thoughts.

Can we solve our hybrid alignment puzzle, from the inside out?

Why AI makes educators more important than ever

Why AI involvement is a matter of life and death

Building Hybrid Sustainability in a Technology-Dependent World: Lessons Learned

How AI can compensate for age-related cognitive decline.

How to use AI as a creative creative partner

Building Hybrid Sustainability in a Technology-Dependent World: Lessons Learned

How AI can compensate for age-related cognitive decline.

Harnessing human intelligence in an AI-driven world

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